Asset Management Forum Rules

Chapter 1 General Provisions


Article 1: The Forum shall be known as the "Asset Management Forum" (hereinafter ​referred to as the "Forum").


Article 2: The purpose of the Forum shall be to promote and disseminate the ​attractiveness of the Japanese market, polices, etc. through dialogue and discussion with ​domestic and foreign stakeholders to promote Japan as a leading asset management ​center, international financial center, etc., with the participation and cooperation of ​related businesses and investors, mainly domestic and foreign asset management ​companies.


Article 3: The Forum shall carry out the following activities necessary to achieve the ​purposes stated in the preceding Article.

Projects related to dialogue and discussion with domestic and foreign stakeholders

Businesses related to the dissemination of information on the attractiveness of the ​Japanese market, policies, etc.

Other activities necessary to achieve the objectives of the Forum

Chapter 2 Membership


Article 4: Members of the Forum shall be those who agree with the purposes and ​businesses of the Forum and fall under any of the following categories.

 (i) Japanese financial instruments business operators, related industry associations, and ​equivalent organizations. For organizations outside Japan, these equivalent organizations.

 (ii) Entities (institutional investors) that invest as an organization and are recommended ​by Forum members.

 (iii) Other organizations whose participation is recognized by the Steering Committee as ​contributing to the activities of the Forum, such as registered financial institutions that ​contribute to promoting Japan as an asset management center, international financial ​center, etc.


Article 5: An organization wishing to become a member may submit an application for ​membership and obtain approval from the Steering Committee.


Article 6: In the event that it becomes necessary for the Forum to collect membership ​fees, a decision by the Steering Committee shall be required as to whether or not to ​collect membership fees, the amount, the method, etc.

(Withdrawal from membership)

Article 7: Members may voluntarily withdraw from membership. However, upon ​resignation, the member must notify the Steering Committee of such resignation.


Article 8: If a member falls under any of the following items, the Steering Committee ​may decide to expel the member by a majority vote of all Steering Committee ​members.

(1) When a member has damaged the honor of the Forum or acted contrary to its ​purpose

(2) When there are other justifiable reasons


Article 9: The Forum shall have observers.

2, Observers shall be public organizations such as national and local governments whose ​participation is recognized by the Steering Committee as contributing to the activities of ​the Forum.

Chapter 3 Organization

(Steering Committee)

Article 10: The Forum shall have a Steering Committee as its decision-making and ​executive body.

2, The Steering Committee shall consist of representatives of up to 10 organizations based ​in Japan or equivalent from among the members that fall under Chapter 2, Article 4, ​Item 1 (hereinafter referred to as "Primary Member").

3, The next Steering Committee members shall be recruited from the Primary member ​and decided by the current Steering Committee with the assistance of the Secretariat.

4, In principle, the term of office of the Steering Committee members is one year, and ​they may be reappointed.

5, The Steering Committee shall have a chairperson. The Chair shall be elected from ​among the Committee members or by decision of the Committee. In principle, the term ​of office of the Chair shall be one year, and the Chair may be reappointed.

6, The Steering Committee shall deliberate and decide on the business plans and business ​reports of the Forum and other important matters concerning the management of the ​Forum.

7, The Steering Committee shall be convened and run by the Chair, assisted by the ​Secretariat. If necessary, meetings may be held or decisions made in writing (including ​by electronic means).

8, Observers and the secretariat shall attend the Steering Committee meetings. The ​Steering Committee may, when it deems necessary, request the attendance of members ​and other organizations to hear their explanations or opinions.

9, The Steering Committee is established when a majority of the Steering Committee ​members are present (including proxy attendance and letters of proxy). The Steering ​Committee shall be formed by the attendance of a majority of the Steering Committee ​members (including attendance by proxy and letters of proxy).

10, The agenda of the Steering Committee shall be decided by a majority of the ​attending Steering Committee members, and in the event of a tie, the chairperson shall ​make the decision.


Article 11: The Forum shall have a Secretariat.

2, The Secretariat shall perform administrative work related to the operation of the ​Forum.

3, The Secretariat may outsource the administration of the Forum to contractors ​appointed by the Secretariat.

4, The details of the administrative work to be performed by the Secretariat shall be ​determined separately and presented to the Steering Committee.

5, In the event of resignation from the Secretariat, the resignation must be notified to ​the Steering Committee at least 6 months prior to the resignation. However, until a ​successor secretariat is appointed, the secretariat notified of resignation shall continue to ​administer the secretariat.

Chapter 4 Auxiliary Provisions

(Amendments to the Articles of Incorporation)

Article 12: These Rules may be amended by decision of the Steering Committee.


Article 13: The Forum may be dissolved by a unanimous vote of all Steering Committee ​members at a Steering Committee meeting.

Supplementary provisions

1, These Rules shall come into effect from the date of the launch of the Forum.

2, For approximately one year from the launch of the forum, the Asset Management ​Forum Preparatory Committee members will serve as interim steering committee ​members.